Academic Success of PFH University

Planning your Future Study In Hochschule Breman City

Best Possible Conditions for Your Academic Success

The PFH gears the content of the study programmes directly to the requirements that await you as a graduate in professional practice. To do this, the PFH constantly involves partner companies in the design and further development of their study programmes. This enables the PFH to guarantee high quality in its management study programme and to offer unique courses in key technology fields like carbon materials/composites. The latest research results achieved by their professors are included directly in your study programme.

The university is represented by campus locations in the student town of Göttingen, in the capital Berlin and in Stade near Hamburg. Depending on your choice of study programme, you will study at one of the three campus locations or choose between several alternatives. All three of the PFH’s campus locations have modern equipment, good connections and thus provide the best conditions for your studies.


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