Bremen City University of Applied Science


The City University of Applied Sciences (German: Hochschule Bremen) is a public Fachhochschule, a University of Applied Sciences located in Bremen, Germany. In 1982 this University evolved from the fusion of four Universities of Applied Sciences: the Universities for technology, business, social sciences and nautical science.

The University of Applied Sciences is located at four sites. The central site, where the head office and the Faculties 2 to 5 are arranged, is located in Bremen Neustadt in the street Neustadtswall. The Faculty 1 and the School of International Business can be found at the site Werderstraße. A further site is located near the Bremen Airport where the Center of Computer Science and Media Studies as well as the Institute of Aerospace Technology are arranged. The International Graduate School is situated at the Süderstraße site.


Around 8.000 students of 69 degree courses in five faculties are matriculated at the Bremen University of Applied Sciences in the year 2009. More than 40 degree courses consist of an obligatory stay abroad being composed of a study and internship abroad. Further attributes of these international degree courses are the language courses of a foreign language as well as the multilingualism of many other courses and also the cooperation with around 300 foreign universities in 2008.

Being practically oriented is another characteristic of all degree courses of the University of Applied Sciences which is reflected in the obligatory internship phases. Further more the students are included in many research projects. In 2004, the University of Applied Sciences founded the International Graduate Center (IGC) for being able to provide extra-occupational and full-time post-graduate degrees. The master’s degrees are offered predominantly in the domain Management which will end in the degree Master of Arts (M.A.) or Master of Business Administration (MBA).

Entry requirements 

The general entry requirements are the advanced technical college entrance qualification or the A-levels. Further more there are specific requirements in each degree course like internships, language skills, apprenticeship etc.. Normally the entry of a master’s degree course requires a successfully obtained bachelor’s degree. Beyond that Bremen offers two further entry possibilities:

  1. The extra accreditation which requires:
  • A main residence in Bremen and surrounding rural districts for at least 1 year,
  • A completed apprenticeship and
  • An examination with a degree as Master, technician or Master of Business Administration etc..
  1. The classification test which requires:
  • A main residence in Bremen and surrounding rural districts for at least 1 year,
  • An apprenticeship for at least 2 years, an alternative would be the job as skilled labor for at least 5 years
  • Job-related experiences for at least 3 years in one of the domains of the aimed study
  • Participation in further and professional training


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