Planning German Language Studies in Germany

Planning German Language Studies in Germany

Learn The German Language

Your success at university highly depends on your skills in the German language, even if your program is in the English language. Having a solid-rock knowledge in the German language guarantees you will comprehend study materials, understand what is taught in lectures while being able to express your thoughts properly.

In Germany, most undergraduate courses are taught in the native language, whereas many study programs at higher academic levels are taught entirely or partially in the German language. Other than at university, you will often have to speak German with locals.Learning German from scratch can be difficult, but if you start early, by the time you come to Germany you’ll be speaking German perfectly. We recommend starting at least 6 months ahead of the commencing of your course to gain a basic comprehension of the German language.


Image result for students in german


German language courses provided at these schools cover all six German language levels

A1, A2 (A2.1, A2.2), B1 (B1.1, B1.2), B2, C1, C2.

Depending on your study field and the purpose of your stay in Germany you will learn the German language in different contexts. If you’re an international student willing to study in Germany afterward, your course will revolve around your study fields, its terminology and concepts.

To find a suitable language school in Germany you must first check if the university of your choice has a language center incorporated on its campus to prepare incoming foreign students who don’t meet the university’s language requirements.

However, you’re free to decide to choose if you want to attend the university’s language courses or find a private course. Naturally, private courses provide better conditions and advantages than individual universities to attract more students who bring an invaluable benefit to their budget. Some of these advantages may include the variety of courses, the flexibility of the schedule and the study curriculum or even the location where classes will be held.

On the other hand, at language courses offered at university students study modules are fixed and students don’t have their word on the course’s structure. Furthermore, private language schools will engage you in additional extra-curricular activities to gain cultural experience and practice German in various environments.


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