German Education system is unique. In General a student gets qualified for a university study after thirteen years of school study. Hence when students from other countries look for undergraduate admissions in Germany, each university has a different strategy in admitting students. We have our experts who know the German system in and out; to guide you properly on the procedures for the universities depending on your background and academics.
Indian students after 12 years of schooling has various options:
SAT/ACT tests
- German Language Study
- Academics in German Language
- Academics in English Language
- One more year of study in India with our guidance
- Other available options for further study in Germany.
NB: We will also guide students from other countries depending on their country of origin.
What We do for you
- We assess your certificates
- Guide you based on your documents as to what is the right step forward
- Build your resume well
- Find out who you are by sitting with you and understanding the ‘you’ in you.
- Select the best fit courses for you
- Select the best fit universities
- Do the application process
- Guide you till the wrap up stage
- Provide landing assistance in Germany.