Research at the Göttingen Campus in Germany

Postgraduate Education in Hochschule Bremen in Germany

Research at the Göttingen Campus

Interdisciplinary research in all knowledge domains is carried out among a network of university and non-university research institutions, centers and networks. The Göttingen Campus Council identifies new key research areas and initiates central projects, further promoting greater integration among member institutions. The close proximity of the institutes, laboratories and libraries on campus is yet another feature facilitating cooperation and inspiring the discourse of new ideas across disciplines.

Highly collaborative, joint research projects are carried out by campus partners through a variety of funding programs, such as:

  • Cluster of Excellence “Nanoscale Microscopy and Molecular Physiology of the Brain (CNMPB)”
  • Collaborative Research Centres
  • Research Training Groups
  • Research Units
  • Priority Programme “SPP 1601 – New Frontiers in Sensitivity for EPR Spectroscopy: from Biological Cells to Nano Materials”

Cluster of Excellence

On 21 February 2018, the University of Göttingen submitted full proposals for four Clusters of Excellence in the Excellence Strategy funded by the German Federal and State Governments. On September 27, 2018, the Cluster of Excellence “Multiscale Bioimaging: from Molecular Machines to Networks of Excitable Cells” was approved.

  • Multiscale Bioimaging: from Molecular Machines to Networks of Excitable CellsThe Cluster aims to understand the structural and functional properties of excitable cardiac and neural cells across several length scales. To decipher disease-relevant nanoscale functional units in these cells innovative imaging methods will be developed and applied. The biomedical insights gained from the multiscale analysis shall then be used to devise novel diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for diseases of the heart and brain. Project spokespersons are Professor Tobias Moser, neuroscientist at the University Medical Centre Göttingen, Professor Claudia Steinem, chemist at Göttingen University and Professor Patrick Cramer, molecular biologist at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry.

Göttingen Campus

The Göttingen Campus is an alliance between the university and local non-university research institutions, which have come together to promote research, teaching, and the training of early career researchers.

By drawing on their joint strengths and potential, campus partners have created a unique and stimulating environment that encourages diversity and an active exchange between professors, researchers and doctoral students.

International networks and interdisciplinary centers serve as platforms for new ideas and innovative research concepts. They are embedded in a campus setting that provides access to an impressive collection of resources, facilities, infrastructure, and support services.


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