Applicants of any nationality who submit a complete application via Common App will automatically be considered for a partial entrance scholarship from Jacobs University or an external scholarship (sponsored by Jacobs Alumni and various companies). Applicants interested in a scholarship are advised to apply as early as possible during the admissions cycle to increase their chances.
Jacobs University’s scholarships are merit-based, taking into account your talent and academic potential without regard to your material wealth or resources.
Costs: annual tuition of € 20,000* plus € 6,000 for room and board (covering the nine-month academic year). Apply for scholarship or financial aid to greatly reduce your tuition fees.
As a private, non-profit higher education institution, Jacobs University covers part of its operational costs by study fees. For students with limited financial resources, Jacobs University offers scholarships and operates a need-based system of financial aid that consists of grants and tuition deferrals (student loans).
Students who have been accepted for undergraduate admission may apply for financial aid and will receive an individually calculated financial aid package, which may contain some or all of the following components:
Expected Family Contribution (EFC): The actual amount of money due for an academic year for tuition and fees.
Scholarship: Determined by the Office of Admissions on the basis of academic and social merit.
Grant: Determined by the Office of Student Financial Services on the basis of the need shown in your financial aid application and supporting documents.
Tuition Deferral: Similar to a student loan - payment of a portion of your tuition is postponed until after graduating from or leaving Jacobs University permanently.
Our budget is limited so please apply for financial aid as early as possible.
Currently, the financial aid package is calculated for the cost of tuition, room and board at Jacobs University Bremen. It does not cover any additional costs, like the university fee, semester ticket, health insurance, residence permit, books, travel, and personal care.
For more information on payment details and deadlines see the Student Financial Services Payment and Financial Aid Policies Handbook.